Non-NHS Work

The majority of procedures, consultations and services carried out at this surgery are paid for by the NHS. However, where additional services are provided, we are required to pass on the specific cost to patients. The type of additional, non-NHS funded services most frequently requested include:

  • Insurance forms
  • Holiday cancellation forms
  • Medical reports
  • Fitness to travel certificates
  • Private prescriptions
  • Some vaccination services

Our fees for these services, which are in line with BMA approved national guidelines, are displayed below:

Non NHS Services Non NHS Services Cost £ Who Pays
Private Sick Note First 7 days of sickness £10 Patient or Employer
Fitness to travel Simple certificate £25 Patient or Insurer
Full Report £66 Patient or Insurer
Fit to Fly (short) £10 Patient
simple letter detailing prescription medicines with surgery stamp £20 Patient
Holiday Claims Holiday claims proforma £20 Patient or Insurer
Holiday claims simple report £30 Patient or Insurer
Detailed report/exam/opinion £50 Patient or Insurer
Health Club Fitness to exercise £25 Patient
Fitness to Drive HGV, PCV, LGV, PSV Full Exam & Report £105 Patient or employer
HGV, PCV, LGV, PSV Limited Exam & Report £80 Patient or employer
Extract From Records £45 Patient or employer
Seatbelt exemption £60 Patient
Elderly Driving Cert £60 Patient
Driving Licence Photograph £20 Patient
Housing Report & opinion £25 Patient or Local Housing Authority
Exam/report & opinion £50 Patient or Local Housing Authority
Immunisations Private £5 plus vaccine cost Patient or employer
International Certificate of Vaccination   £20 Patient or employer
Employment Medical Full exam & report £165 Patient/employer/insurer
Report without exam £115 Patient/employer/insurer
Report on Pro-Forma £89 Patient/employer/insurer
Extracts from records £60 Employer
Certificate of Incapacity – “to whom it may concern” £30 Employer/patient
Access to Records Computerised only FREE Patient/employer/insurer
Full. Paper, manual, combined FREE Patient/employer/insurer
Accompanied by clinician FREE Patient/employer/insurer
Fostering & Adoption Fees Form IHA Initial Health Assessment £60 Patient/Employer
Forms M, B Obstetric Neonatal reports £60 Patient/Agency
Forms C, D, YP or AME Full examination of child £105
Form AH Health assessment, Prospective carer £90
Form AH2 Update report, parent/carer £30
Childminder (Ofsted health declaration form) £90
BAAF Adoption Form £125
Examination of children in /for care-first exam £60
Subsequent exam £30
Freedom from infection for children for care £30
Others Simple certificates £20 Patient/employer/insurer
Complex certificates £22 – £47 Patient/employer/insurer
Record extract £55 Patient/employer/insurer/solicitor
‘To whom it may concern’ letters £20 Patient