DNA and lateness policy

DNA policy

Please help us to improve our appointment access for our patients, by responsible use of appointments with the doctor or nurse. Due to the high number of missed appointments, Copsewood Medical Centre has found it necessary to adopt a strict ‘Did Not Attend (DNA) Policy’. This action has been taken due to the amount of clinical time lost due to patients not attending or cancelling their pre-booked appointments.

Please be mindful that failing to cancel your appointment means an appointment wasted and increases waiting times for other patients.

Please contact reception on; 024 7645 7497 or alternatively text back “Cancel” when you receive your appointment reminder.

Lateness policy

We understand that sometimes circumstances can make patients late for their appointments. We therefore operate the following system;

  • If a patient is up to 5 minutes late, the doctor/nurse will see them.
  • If a patient is more than 5 minutes late, the receptionist will call the doctor/nurse to inform them that the patient has arrived. They may or may not be seen, it is the doctor’s discretion and may only be at a convenient time at the end of surgery.

Patients, do of course, have the option of re-booking at a more convenient time, if they cannot wait and their problem is not urgent.